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Yesterday (Thursday) was quite a scary, emotional day. Had some bleeding in the morning, first time I went to the toilet, and then the second time, which was worse than before. Cue panic mode and the beginning of a morning of crying from me. 

I obviously thought the worst was happening so I rang the mw in tears, who told me she couldn’t do anything or refer me, so to ring my GP and he would get me a referral to the EPU. So I rang my GP, he rang the EPU and then rang me back to go there in the afternoon. I then rang hubby at work to let him know, but this was an hour before his dinner so I was sat crying for an hour! Eventually he rang back and I was in tears, he said he was asking to leave and then he’d be straight home. He rang me to let me know he was on his way so I ran a bath to calm down a bit. It took him 20 minutes to cycle home, whereas on his bike it usually takes 35-40 minutes!

I had my bath, then got ready to go, drank a bit of water in case they did a scan (GP said they were just listening for a heartbeat as I was “only” 14+4, but I thought it might be too early so went prepared). 

We got there, saw the mw, she took some details as to when the bleeding started etc., then we went to listen for a heartbeat. Of course, she couldn’t find one so that set me in panic mode again! Anyway, she said go and sit back in the waiting area and we’ll get you in for a scan. So sat there for 15 mins, worried sick, then we were called through for our scan.

The sonographer took some details, then got baby up on the screen. A heartbeat! It was flashing! Oh my, I was so relieved, I immediately burst into tears. Baby was totally oblivious, sleeping happily on his/her head! 

Needless to say, we were so so happy, relieved, you name it. I had a major headache after all the crying so we headed home and I went for a lie down. Hubby looked after me all night, made me an amazing spaghetti bolognese, and was just generally a wonderful husband. We also had stern words with the belly bean (thanks Kylie, I love that!) not to scare us like that again!

Oh, just before I finish, one of the receptionists there asked if I was pregnant, and wished us congratulations, as she recognised us from when we were having treatment (our antenatal/scan/gynae unit is joined together, and all 3 desks joined together, she works on the antenatal unit I think)! That’s how much time we spend at the hospital!

(Never posted the update from 14 weeks so here it is)

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I’m Stacey, in my mid-late 30’s, from a tiny village (officially a hamlet) in Lincolnshire.

I’m a mum to two handsome boys. They’re both diagnosed autistic but that only makes them different, not less. Barney, a Frenchie x Beagle, is my furbaby. Owner of a husband too!

Blogging about lifestyle and books with a bit of everything else thrown in!

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1 Comment

  1. I am so glad all is okay, these little ones do worry us at times. I hope you spend the next couple of days watching trash tv/reading.

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