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Yesterday was our 15/16 week routine midwife visit. Just went through the norms, my blood results from booking in came back fine for everything, then she took more blood for the Down’s screening, as the sonographer couldn’t get a measurement at our scan! I will get the results from that through the post. I told her about the bleeding I’d had, and that there’d been nothing since, so she was pleased about that. 

I mentioned about my headaches, she said I am safe to take 2 paracetemol, and if it doesn’t go after that then it is a “hormone headache”. I then decided that if it does disappear, then it must just be a husband headache! (Don’t tell him I said that!) I have only been taking half at once though so far, and it’s gone, so it must be the latter…

Next appointment is at 25 weeks, on the 29th November, when she will measure bump and listen in! Exciting! Though we have our 20 week scan before that so that is more exciting 🙂

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I’m Stacey, in my mid-late 30’s, from a tiny village (officially a hamlet) in Lincolnshire.

I’m a mum to two handsome boys. They’re both diagnosed autistic but that only makes them different, not less. Barney, a Frenchie x Beagle, is my furbaby. Owner of a husband too!

Blogging about lifestyle and books with a bit of everything else thrown in!

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