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Last week we decided to tell the parents! We were going to do it on Thursday as that was my Mum’s birthday, but she was out all day and away for the night so we left it until Friday.

First we went to the in-laws while we waited for my Mum & Step-Dad to get home. MIL at first didn’t believe us – “Are you joking with me?” “Why would we joke about something like that?!” And then she kind of looked shocked and then started punching the air and chanting “I’m gonna be a Granny!” which was quite funny (it’s her first grandchild)! Then she told FIL (they sit in seperate rooms as he is deaf and wears headphones to listen to the TV), his reaction was “Oh right, well done” and then put his headphones back on! But when we left MIL tells us he was looking at cots 😉

So then we ventured to my Mum & Step-Dad’s, to give her her birthday present and card. I broke it to her by saying “We’ve also got you something else but can’t give it to you until next year…” She couldn’t figure it out so I said “You’re gonna be a Granny again!” (This is her 2nd grandchild but she missed out with my niece as we were stopped seeing her 2 or 3 months after she was born) They were both shocked too, and she even gave me a hug which never happens! lol

On the Sunday we went to tell BIL. Hubby broke it to him. It went something like this. BIL – “so what do ya know?” Hubby – “You’re gonna be an Uncle!” (Which I was shocked at as he was worrying how he was going to tell him, but I suppose that was the perfect opportunity!) He gave us his congrats.

We’re not making a point of telling my brother until later on as there is a bit of history between us, so he can wait. My Dad is a difficult one, of course I want to tell him but I rarely speak to him or see him, which I really know I should do, but it works both ways doesn’t it? We’re going to wait until we’ve had our scan and then go round and say we have something for him. I hope he takes it well. 

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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