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Some of you may be familiar with this app on Fakebook. It basically rubs it in to all the infertiles how far along in their pregnancy their friends and family are, and when they’re going to have their babies. (You could say the friends/family are rubbing it in as they added the app., but no, I’m not going to blame them today, I’m just here for a self absorbed moan)
Well I just log on after my bath, and I see not one, not two, but three posts one after the other, all with due dates 3 weeks apart! One is a close friend, one is a cousin, and the other a friend from school. Oh I’m going to have a fun August/September if I’m not pregnant by then! :/ I think I may just have to avoid Fakebook altogether at that point…
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Oh that's fun! I'm sorry sweetie. Someone just announced last night & she's due the same time I would've been, which is right before christmas. Fun Fun Dec I shall have.
I think you will be preg by then. I don't know, I have a feeling. You're going to be wonderfully glowing! 🙂